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Phone number (530) 677-9277
UPS Store
2795 E Bidwell St
Folsom, CA 95630
Phone number (916) 817-2233
More Than A Mailbox
1750 Prairie City Rd
Ste 130
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 351-9241
Adult participants may choose to work directly with youth as an adult lead or mentor. There are many additional ways to get involved, too. Adult volunteers participate on fundraising committee, like our annual Endless Summer Beach Party, by donating time, expertise, or resources. Please email info@hands4hopeyouth.org for more information.
Adult leadS & mentorS
We are always looking for more adult leads and mentors: parents, college students, retirees, and those who just enjoy children and are looking for a unique mentoring opportunity. Join an Community Engagement Opportunity, after-school Hands4Hope Committee or assist with our on-campus Hands4Hope Clubs.
Active Adult Leads or Mentors are not required to pay registration fees for themselves OR their immediate family members. Adult participants are considered Active once they get fingerprinted, have completed our Adult Orientation Process (see below), and have acted as the Adult Lead or Mentor for three outreaches, events, or Club/Committee meetings. Families may request reimbursement of their registration fee once a parent or guardian has completed these items.
Parents of youth participants who want to be an Adult Lead or Mentor -
Register with Hands4Hope, click here.
Volunteer with their child
Identify an outreach or Club for which they would like to assist
Review provided checklist for those events
Get fingerprinted with Hands4Hope
Take online Training Modules (email Yoko for the links)
Shadow current adult advisor in identified outreach or Club until comfortable
Once comfortable, take the lead
Adult who wants to be a Lead or Mentor without a child involved-
Register with Hands4Hope, click here.
Meet with executive director or other staff member to discuss interest and fit
Get fingerprinted with Hands4Hope
Take online Training Modules (email Yoko​ for the links)
Identify an outreach or Club for which they would like to assist
Review provided checklist for those events
Shadow current adult advisor in identified outreach or Club
Once comfortable, take the lead
If you are interested in becoming an Adult Lead or Mentor, please email
info@hands4hopeyouth.org, subject line: Adult Lead or Mentor
Other ways to get involved
While we are a youth-led and youth-focused organization, it takes many adults to provide organizational vision, guidance, and ensure the sustainability and success of Hands4Hope for years to come.
Join our Endless Summer Beach Party Committee
Join the Folsom or Placerville Steering Committees
Join the Board of Directors
Provide subject-matter expertise (e.g. technical assistance, videography instruction)
Provide your unique ideas, talents and expertise
Help your business become a sponsor