Hands4Hope relies on gifts of all sizes to fund school-based clubs and after-school service learning, outreach, and leadership programs. Hands4Hope raises funds through a combined effort of fundraisers, corporate sponsorships, grants, and
individual donations.
All monetary gifts over $10 are recognized on our Tree of Hope. Learn more.

Give online
You will be directed to our
PayPal Giving Fund Website
Or Mail
Mail a check to Hands4Hope at
3941 Park Dr., Suite 20-264,
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762.
Or In-Person
Drop off a check at our youth center at 877 Embarcadero Dr, #5, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. Please call 916-294-7426 to confirm hours.
Material Donations
Hands4Hope is always looking for in-kind donations for homeless outreach events, Winter Boutique, blanket making, toiletry drives, etc. Materials include:
Toothpaste, shampoo & conditioner, socks,
clothing, shoes, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, school supplies, deodorant, and more…
Contact us for more information by info@hands4hopeyouth.org or calling 916-294-7426.