How long have you been participating with Hands4Hope?
I have been volunteering for about 2 years now.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
I was actually seeking out a part-time job in March of 2016, and a friend referred me to Jennifer Bassett. The job that was available at the time didn’t end up working out for me, but during the interview process I had the opportunity to interact with some of the youth leaders in H4H and I was so impressed with their dedication and motivation to serve their community. I came away from the experience wanting to do more volunteer activities with H4H and get my children involved as well.
What outreaches do you usually volunteer with?
I usually volunteer at the Hope House and at the Senior Center, and I like helping out with food donations for the Senior Dinner.
Which do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy helping out at the Senior Center. The seniors always seem to appreciate seeing the youth visit, and if you’re willing to sit down and visit with them, they have some very interesting stories to tell.
What is your impression/experience with Hands4Hope youth?
I am very impressed with Hands4Hope youth. They’re so motivated, organized, and creative, and they genuinely want to serve their community and make it a better place.
Overall, what has your experience been like since joining?
My experience has been amazing. There are a variety of ways to serve our community and H4H has a lot of outreach projects for volunteers. It feels great to give back to our community.