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Teacher Spotlight: Brijette Bergman

Brijette Bergman is the teacher advisor for the Union Mine Hands4Hope Club. As the club's advisor, Brijette is encouraging, enthusiastic, and ready to help with anything that the youth participants need. Hands4Hope is grateful for the continued support and inspiration that Brijette provides youth participants as they explore their community and create projects to address local needs!

What school do you teach at and which club do you advise?

I teach English and AVID at Union Mine High School, where I advise Hands4Hope.

What is your impression/experience with Hands4Hope youth?

The youth in this club are respectful, kind, and highly motivated. They are in tune with the needs of their peers and strive to make a difference in their lives.

Is there anything that you've enjoyed most/been most surprised by in interacting with the club?

I was surprised by how organized and self-motivated H4H members are. When I’ve advised or participated in clubs previously, they were more advisor driven. I’m grateful to be a part of such a determined and mindful group of young people.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

To people who complain about Millennials – come to a Hands4Hope meeting! Your stereotypes will be easily disproved.

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