Tell us about your family and your company.
I met my amazing wife Lisa, while we both studied Dentistry in Cleveland. I never thought that life's adventures would lead me to Northern California but I'm grateful it did. We have two very sweet boys, Ryan and Alex who are starting 1st grade and kindergarten respectively. They are both full of energy, love, curiosity and happiness. Ryan was born the same year I bought my Orthodontic practice from Dr. Darryl Johnson, so watching my kids and the practice grow on the same timeline has been a great journey.

What do we do at Jeffrey Kwong Orthodontics?
The word "Orthodontics" may have given away part of it. We are dental specialists that limit our practice to Orthodontics, and have done an additional 2.5 years of school beyond dental school. We're different than the dentist because we are specialists in growth and development, and we diagnose, prevent, intercept and treat bite issues related to the teeth and jaws.

What are we all about at Jeffrey Kwong Orthodontics?
We work on improving people’s lives, their smiles, and their bites daily. My team and I have focused our practice around building relationships and our motto of: Live. Smile. Give. Repeat. My work family includes: Kim, Alysia, Becca, Belle, Carla, Kyla,and Rayann. They are fantastic and I could not do what I do without them. A few things that set us apart include that we make it a point to treat our patients as people first. We get to know our patients by learning what is going on in their lives, we communicate openly with patients and their parents so that everyone is on the same page. We make ourselves available and we run on time. We believe that the doctor patient relationship works better when there is trust, and when we know and care about our patients. While a great smile is the end product, we enjoy the journey and for us, that's building a genuine relationship with our families along the way.

What is the reason(s) for sponsoring Hands4Hope?
The reason we chose to sponsor Hands4Hope is twofold. First, the "Give" part of our "Live. Smile. Give. Repeat." motto includes giving back to our patients and our community. We're grateful to have so many wonderful families in our practice, and we have the community to thank for spreading the word about our practice to their friends. Second, I feel youth leadership is important; leaders need opportunities to develop skills and implement them. Hands4Hope provides a wonderful opportunity for young adults not only to learn about leadership, but to put it in action. My own leadership journey parallels my practice journey. What I've learned about being a leader is that "it isn't about you". Leadership is about inspiring others towards a common goal, fulfillment; and creating an environment that can foster that. While everyone's definition of fulfillment is different, it's the leader's responsibility to provide the tools necessary to communicate, elevate, and implement the changes necessary to get there.