Hands4Hope has selected Wan-Cheng as this month's Adult Lead Spotlight. We are so appreciative of all of the time and creativity she puts into leading the GVCC Kids Oasis. She has also been a huge help securing silent auction items for this year's Benefit Dinner & Auction. Thank you for all that you do- we are so lucky to have you!

How long have you been participating with Hands4Hope?
I have been volunteering with my daughter, Chloe, at Hands4Hope since she was in 6th grade. About 6 years now.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
It started with Chloe needing service hours for school. Sometimes I would stay and help out when I dropedp her off at the various Hands4Hope outreaches she participated in. I was impressed by the excellent volunteer work they (both the adults and youths) did and could tell that Chloe enjoyed volunteering at Hands4Hope events. I wanted my daughter to continue having the experience of helping her community and making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Because of that, I joined Hands4Hope and used volunteering together as a way to spend quality time with my daughter.
What outreaches do you usually volunteer with? Which do you enjoy the most?
I have volunteered for the Food Blitzes (collecting food donations for El Dorado County & Twin Lakes Food Banks), donated food and baked brownies/cookies for Homeless Outreaches, helping with food distribution at Green Valley Community Church Saturday Cafe, and donated food and supplies towards the monthly Creekside Senior Dinner outreach. I am one of the adult leads for Green Valley Community Church Kids Oasis. Together with youth volunteers, we provide a safe and fun place for the children to hang out while their families shop for free groceries and clothing at the church.
I enjoy volunteering for all the Hands4Hope events and outreaches. I particularly like volunteering at the GVCC Kids Oasis and try to do this twice a month. The crafts and activities for this outreach are planned and prepared by the youth volunteers. The kids have a lot fun interacting and playing with our youth volunteers. We do get a lot of repeat “customers” and it is especially nice when special bonds form between the kids and our youth volunteers.
What is your impression/experience with Hands4Hope youth?
I am very impressed and have a lot of confidence in Hands4Hope. With a hardworking staff of only five or six and a very limited budget, Hands4Hope is able to work with and reach so many youth volunteers through the various school clubs and monthly outreaches. I have seen the transformation in many of the youth who volunteer regularly with Hands4Hope. They are confident. They are passionate. They are dependable. They have empathy towards others. The training and guidance they receive from Hands4Hope also help them gain important life skills and qualities like leadership, project management, teamwork and budgeting. They are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and to actively look at ways to help make a difference in their community.
Overall, what has your experience been like since joining?
I've had an excellent experience at Hands4Hope and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for volunteer experience.