This month we would like to recognize Handler Farms as our Sponsor of the Month! Dave and Sharon Handler and Handler Farms have been so generous to us this year and influential in the successes of both the Fall Festival and Benefit Dinner. We are so appreciative of their support and dedication to the youth in our community!

Tell us about your company/organization.
We are a retired couple who continue to pursue business and community involvement. After owning several McDonald’s franchises we wanted to continue the challenge of owning and managing a business through development and implementation of our own business models. Our current businesses include Handler Farms, a livestock and farming endeavor in Iowa; 4295 Business LLC, a real estate entity which includes various commercial properties; and Brit-Lor, the management company of these two entities.

What is the reason(s) for sponsoring Hands4Hope?
Our reason for sponsoring Hands4Hope falls into our wish to continue community involvement. As past and current supporters of various local non-profits, we were impressed with the very hands-on approach of Hands4Hope. We feel their inclusion of young people in the development and running of the programs they offer help to develop leadership skills that will carry on for life. By helping others, the young people of Hands4Hope develop compassion and understanding for those less fortunate, and their dedication to learning how to best serve these at-risk and less fortunate will serve them well in what will hopefully be a life of fulfilling volunteerism.