As the 2018/ 2019 school year comes to an end, so do our School-Based Education H4H Clubs! All 11 clubs just wrapped up some amazing projects benefiting a few of our non-profit partners!
Union Mine High School raised $635 from a class coin drive competition and a bake sale in April to benefit Operation Good-To Go.

Folsom High School raised $160, collected food donations, and sold $90 of Pura Vida bracelets at the Food Blitz to benefit Twin Lakes Food Bank.

Rolling Hills Middle School raised $245 with a Rubio’s Dine Out fundraiser and $608.37 with their bake sale, all to benefit Shriners Children’s Hospital.

Herbert Green Middle School Clubs sold St. Patrick’s Day candy grams to benefit The El Dorado County Older Adult Day Program at the Placerville Senior Center . . .they went to the Senior Center on April 16th to color Easter eggs and brought supplies to make a craft with the residents.

Sutter Middle School participated in the March Mercy Senior Dinner as a club, providing food donations and serving at the event.

Marina Middle School made $350 with their bake sale to benefit The Center for Violence Free Relationships.

Ponderosa High School collected 416 items with a toiletries drive for New Morning Youth and Family Services.

The Youth Board raised over $5,500 with their Seeds of Hope Benefit Dinner to benefit New Morning Shelter and the H4H Education Program.

Camerado & Rolling Hills Middle School took a field trip to Shriners Hospital to present them with a check for $1,416 and take a tour of the hospital.