How long have you been participating with Hands4Hope?
I have only been volunteering with Hands4Hope since this May 2019.
Why did you join Hands4Hope?
I joined it to show my support for my daughter, Alyssa. I’m so proud of the numerous hours she has spent volunteering and dedication she has put into it.
What outreaches do you usually volunteer with? Which do you enjoy the most?
I was involved in the School Supply Drive and currently help with the Kids Oasis. I also try to make a point of helping to spread the word about any special event or outreach that is happening with Hands4Hope at the current time. I really enjoyed helping with the School Supply Drive, seeing all of the supplies coming in to be passed on to the children from all of the work of the teens was so rewarding. Marketing for donations is not an easy task and seeing these teens take charge and just go do what was needed was inspiring.
What is your impression/experience with Hands4Hope youth?
Seeing how the teens continuously come together to make the next big event or all the different monthly outreaches successful gives me hope for the future. They choose to spend their time helping others, that is what this world and community needs more of. They are selfless and at the same time building so many skills for their own future. I wish that more adults could see how hard they really work. Thus, making my experience with Hands4Hope very positive.
Overall, what has your experience been like since joining?
To me Hands4Hope helped bring things from my childhood full circle to my adult life. I don’t like to talk about it, but feel it’s important to help express my thanks. I lived in housing supported by New Morning Youth and Family Services as a teen when my parents divorced. Hearing how Hands4Hope raised money to help New Morning personally meant so much to me, especially being able to share this with my daughter in such a positive way.