The Hands4Hope High School Clubs are all off to a great start, with most of the clubs at full capacity! If you are interested in applying to a Hands4Hope Club with availability, please email nicole@hands4hopeyouth.org for more information.
El Dorado High School had many club participants volunteer together at the Empty Bowls event in November. The group was inspired and together the club decided they wanted to continue to work to support the Upper Room Dining Hall. The El Dorado Hands4Hope Club has room for a few more students.
Union Mine is currently hosting a “Jolly Drive” on campus to collect new items for Lilliput’s Toy Drive to support foster families this holiday season. (The Union Mine Club is at full capacity.)
Folsom High School is focusing on Powerhouse Ministries by creating Holiday Gift Baskets for Elderly in Need. They have created homemade cards for the baskets and are hosting a bake sale and supply drive on December 7th. In addition to the Powerhouse project, the club is supporting FCUSD by promoting and volunteering at the Community Mindfulness Event targeting student mental health and stress management on December 18. The Folsom Club has room for a few more students.
Ponderosa High School is focused on helping the Nomadic Shelters, and is planning a schoolwide supply drive at their January winter dance and a class competition. (The Ponderosa Club is at full capacity.)
Oak Ridge High School (Even Club) will welcome a speaker from 4 Paws 2 Freedom to talk to the club about how they can help raise money for dogs trained to support Veterans with PTSD. The Oak Ridge Clubs have room for a few more students.
Come take a ride around Town Center in a horse-drawn carriage, 12/7,12/14 and 12/21. All proceeds will benefit Hands4Hope Committees.
The Youth Board will host their annual Spring Benefit on Friday, April 24, at the Cameron Park CSD. The proceeds will benefit the Upper Room and the Hands4Hope Leadership Program.