The Hands4Hope Youth Board is the advisory board for Hands4Hope. They ensure youth voice leads the way when making decisions related to new volunteer and outreach opportunities. In addition, the Youth Board provides the means for youth leaders across schools to network and share information. Finally, the Youth Board selects a nonprofit to support with an annual fundraiser held each Spring. The Youth Board is composed of all presidents, vice presidents, chairs and vice chairs from each club and committee in the Hands4Hope Education Program. In total there are typically 24 youth who sit on the Youth Board. The Youth Board is led by the Executive Youth Board Executive Committee which includes a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Hands4Hope Interns- one for El Dorado Hills/Folsom and one for Placerville.
Youth Board Bios:

Alyssa Countryman
Hands4Hope Youth Board President &
Chair of the Kids Oasis Committee
My name is Alyssa Countryman, I am a Senior at Ponderosa High School. I have been in Hands4Hope since my Freshman year. I am currently the Executive Youth Board President and the President of the Kids Oasis Committee. One of my strengths is achiever and it helps me provide successful peer leadership by following through with my commitment to the projects I am a part of. I also work hard to see the project reach its full potential. My hobbies and interests are archery, baking, and volunteering. Baking and archery are big stress relievers for me, it helps me not focus on my school work or other stressful factors in my life and focus on making delicious cookies or shooting a straight shot. Volunteering makes me feel proud of myself to see how my work is making a positive impact on my community. Seeing how my efforts affect and impact the lives of people that need help inspires me to continue to help and to help in more areas of need. My goal for the Youth Board this year is to diversify the areas we benefit and not focus on the same areas back to back. I hope that more needs are met in our community than it has in the past.

Pavitra Dobraria, Hands4Hope Youth Board Vice President & Oak Ridge HS President
I'm Pavitra Dobaria, and I am a senior at Oak Ridge High School this year. This will be my third year being involved with Hands4Hope, and I am currently the President of one of the Oak Ridge Clubs, the Vice President of the Youth Board Executive Committee, and a member on multiple committees. One of my Top 5 Strengths is Communication which I think helps me really be able to understand those I am working with, and be able to get to know them as I try to lead them well. I love to volunteer with Hands4Hope as much as I can, and also enjoy spending lots of time outside! I was inspired to help fill unmet needs in my community when I first started getting involved in Hands4Hope and truly saw what needed to be improved in my community. I hope that the Youth Board is able to greatly impact whatever need we choose to benefit this year.

Liv Craine, Hands4Hope Youth Board Secretary & Oak Ridge HS President
My name is Liv Craine and I am a Junior at Oak Ridge High School. I have been in Hands4Hope for 6 years and this year I am the Secretary of the Youth Board and President of one of the Oak Ridge Hands4Hope Clubs. One of my Top 5 Strengths is Futuristic, this strength helps me provide successful leadership because it helps me plan for the future. So when we need to make a time frame for an event or create an agenda for a future meeting, I am really good at thinking ahead. My favorite things to do are read and write. I love reading books, they are the best way to relax and unwind after a long day. I also love to write my own stories, I have so many ideas and I love to write stories for other people to enjoy as well. The thing that inspires me to help in the community the most is when I drive around different towns and see all the homeless people and animals, and I know I have the power to help them. My hope for the Youth Board this year is that we can overcome the challenge of the pandemic and still put on a successful fundraiser.

Meghna Sehratwat, Hands4Hope Youth Board Treasurer & School Supply Drive Intern
I’m Meghna Sehrawat and I am a junior at Vista Del Lago High School. It’s been about two years since I have been in Hands4Hope, and currently, with my new role as a leader, I’m hoping to understand how to plan and operate service projects and community engagement even further. I also hope I can talk to more people and improve at speaking and leading with confidence. One of my Top 5 Strengths is Learner. When I plan things, I always like to think about every detail and what could go wrong and right, since I want to understand everything. I really love to have conversations with my peers about how we can visualize our goals and do more, which helps me be a successful leader. Outside Hands4Hope, I’ve played volleyball for the last six years. I also really love spending time with my friends and family. If I’m going to relax , I’m probably watching Netflix or playing video games with my little brother. The reason I continue to fill the unmet needs in our community is because I love the feeling of knowing that through my own power and actions, I can truly change someone’s life. Before I started volunteering with Hands4Hope, I didn’t know what that feeling was. But, over the last couple of years, I’ve loved seeing people’s faces light up, which inspires me to continue to help. My hope for the Youth Board this year is for all of us to find creative ways to continue to serve those in our community who need us, especially now, despite the pandemic.

Elise Taylor, Hands4Hope El Dorado Hills & Folsom Intern & Folsom HS Club President
Hi I am Elise Taylor and I’m a senior at Folsom High school. I started Hands4Hope my sophomore year, so it's been three years now that I've been involved. My current leadership position is President of the FHS club and Intern at the Hands4Hope El Dorado Hills Youth Center. One of my Top 5 Strengths that I've discovered throughout Hands4Hope leadership is Individualization. This strength allows me to see the unique qualities and specialties of those around me, thus helping me to make individual and meaningful connections with those in my team/club. Some of my hobbies outside of Hands4Hope include painting, hiking, skiing, and just being in nature. For me, my inspiration to help fill unmet needs in my community stems from wanting to connect all types of people and work together for a beneficial cause. My hope for the Youth Board’s upcoming year is to just make the best of our situation right now and work to help out those more severely affected by this pandemic.

Annabel Maguire, Hands4Hope Placerville Intern & El Dorado HS Club President
My name is Annabel Maguire, and I am a senior at El Dorado High School. Last year I learned about a new club beginning, Hands4Hope, and they were looking for new members. I quickly applied and after a few meetings and different training sessions I became the president of the New El Dorado High School Hands4Hope club! I soon found myself getting more and more familiar with this amazing organization and everything it did for our community, and all I could think was how I had never heard of this before. For years I had wanted to make a change in our community, but I was never sure how to proceed until Hands4Hope gave me the tools and skills to make a difference. Hands4Hope taught me to utilize my strengths; I learned that by focusing on one of my Top 5 Strengths of Connectedness I could bring people together and fight for a common goal no matter their previous divisions. Outside of Hands4Hope I love going outdoors, hiking, rafting, paddleboarding, climbing and going to the river. I am also very involved with activism in my community and continue to work on different projects. My hope this year for the Youth Board is that despite the setbacks and changes we still can help those in the community and execute projects.