The Hands4Hope Youth Board is the advisory board for Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference. They ensure youth voice leads the way when making decisions related to new volunteer and outreach opportunities. In addition, the Youth Board provides the means for youth leaders across schools to network and share information. Finally, the Youth Board selects a nonprofit to support with an annual fundraiser held each spring. The Youth Board is comprised of all presidents, vice presidents, chairs and vice chairs from each club and committee in the Hands4Hope Education Program. In total there are typically 25 youth who sit on the Youth Board. The Youth Board is led by the Youth Board Executive Committee which includes a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Coordinator and three Hands4Hope Intern/Ambassadors- one each for: El Dorado Hill, Folsom and Placerville.
Liv Craine, Hands4Hope El Dorado Hills Community Engagement Intern/Ambassador
Nivi Sudhir Kuma, Hands4Hope Folsom Community Engagement Intern/Ambassador & Vista Del Lago High School Club Public Relations Coordinator
Jayce Kaldunski, Hands4Hope Placerville Community Engagement Intern/Ambassador & El Dorado High School Club President
Meghna Sehrawat, Hands4Hope Youth Board President & Vista Del Lago High School Club Vice President
Grace Brasil, Hands4Hope Youth Board Vice President, Oak Ridge High School President & Fall Festival Project Coordinator
Simone Caruthers, Hands4Hope Youth Board Secretary & Ponderosa High School President
Jennifer Cole, Hands4Hope Youth Board Treasurer & Vista Del Lago High School Club President
Madisen & McKenna Berry, Hands4Hope Youth Board Public Relations Coordinators
Ex Youth Board Bio Questions:
What is your Name?
What school do you attend and what grade are you in?
How long have you been in hands for hope and what are your current leadership roles?
Name one of your top 5 strengths and share how it helps you provide successful peer leadership.
What are your hobbies and/or interests?
What inspires you to be involved in helping fill unmet needs in your community?
What is your hope/goal for the Youth Board this year?

My name is Liv Craine and I am a Senior at Oak Ridge High School. I have been in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference for 7 years and this year I am the Community Engagement Intern/Ambassador for El Dorado Hills. One of my strengths is Futuristic. This strength helps me provide successful leadership because it helps me when I plan for the future. So when we need to make a time frame for an event or create an agenda for a future meeting, I am really good at thinking ahead. My favorite things to do are read, play water polo, and do archery. I love reading books, they are the best way to relax and unwind after a long day. I love playing water polo because I’ve met many new friends and I love learning more and more about the sport. Archery is one of my favorite pastimes because when I’m stressed I can go to the archery range to relax and unwind. The thing that inspires me to help in the community the most is when I go around different towns and see all the homeless people and animals, and I know I have the power to help them. My hope for the Youth Board this year is that we can continue to work around and with all of the challenges we still face with COVID-19.

My name is Nivi Sudhir Kumar, I am a senior at Vista Del Lago High School. I have been a part of Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference for six years. I am currently the Community Engagement Intern/Ambassador for Folsom and the Chair of the Ryan Christopher Hersh Scholarship Committee. I will also help launch the first Hands4Hope Club at Vista Del Lago in the fall. One of my prime strengths is developer and it has guided me to spark a love for service learning, and be an inquirer in projects I partake in. I am always looking to brainstorm and implement new ideas. My hobbies outside of Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference include traveling, playing tennis, and listening to music. Observing the amount of transformation that happens during the process of executing projects such as overcoming obstacles and trying new strategies to fulfill unmet community needs, brings the real value of our work alive, and is the reason I love every moment of serving with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference. Knowing that with our level of dedication we are able to be substantive in the lives of people impacted on many fronts, is extremely inspiring. I aspire that as a Youth Board, we continue our focus and carry out projects that can help fulfill unmet community needs. I also would like to expand the areas we serve to make meaningful advances and create a positive difference in our community.

My name is Jayce Kaldunski, and I'm a Junior at El Dorado High School. I have been in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference for almost a year now. Last year, I was the Secretary for El Dorado High School’s club, and this year I am the Community Engagement Intern/Ambassador for Placerville, El Dorado High School’s club president, and the Co-Chair of the Food Pantry Committee. One of my top strengths that makes me a successful leader is my positive outlook. It helps to keep people encouraged and creates an encouraging working environment. Outside of Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference I enjoy gardening and acting at Imagination Theater. I am so glad that through Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference I have been able to make a lasting impression on my community in a positive way, and hope that in this next year I can continue to do that working with the amazing Youth Board we have this year!!

My name is Meghna Sehrawat. I go to Vista Del Lago High School and I’m going into 12th grade. I have been in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference for about 3 years and I am currently Hands4Hope Youth Board President and will be Vice-President of the new Vista Del Lago Club. I’m also on various seasonal and annual Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference committees. When working on projects, one of the strengths I bring to the table is “achiever.” This strength allows me to help set objectives that are tangible and keep plans practical. Being an “achiever”, I like to keep projects goal-oriented. Outside of Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference, I love to read comics and spend time with friends and family. I really love Academic Decathlon too! Ultimately, volunteering is what I enjoy and do because when it comes to people in my community, I feel like it’s an easy decision to know what the right thing to do is. If my time can truly help someone, I’d enjoy spending my time doing just that. Life is always somewhat crazy, so it seems like the best option is to offer up all the help we each can. This year on the Youth Board, I hope we can all work together to make life (seem) normal for everyone in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference. We have had to work around a lot of restrictions and issues the past year, but I hope that this year, we can run into less pandemic issues and focus more on helping more people :)

Hi, I'm Grace Brasil and I'm a senior at Oak Ridge High School. I have been in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference since 6th grade when my mom made me go to one of the volunteer outreaches. I ended up having a lot of fun and began to get more involved. I am now the Youth Board Vice President, President of the Oak Ridge Club, Co-Chair of the Children's Committee, and Project Manager for the Fall Festival. One of my strengths is creativity, which has helped me to create flyers and other marketing materials for different events. I enjoy drawing and painting, hanging out with friends, and volunteering at different outreaches. It makes me so happy to see our hard work impact other people's lives in a positive way. This year, I hope that we can help even more people in need!

My name is Simone Caruthers and I am a junior at Ponderosa High School. This will be my fourth year as a participant in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference, and this year I am the Youth Board Executive Committee Secretary, Ponderosa Club President, and the Vice-Chair for the new ASPIRE Outfitters Committee. I am driven by my ideas for the future, and I am willing to work hard this year to help us reach all of our goals. I love music, and I play trombone and euphonium in my school bands. My goal for the Youth Board this year is to work cohesively to bring comfort and happiness to as many community members as possible. Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference has helped me to discover my passion for community service, and if this year’s Youth Board is able to improve one person’s life in any way, I think we will have done our job well.

My name is Jennifer Cole, and I am a Junior at Vista Del Lago High School. I have volunteered at Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference with my two brothers since elementary school, but have only recently started being involved in the Hands4Hope Education Program Committees and taking on leadership roles. In the next school year, I am going to be the president of the new Vista Del Lago Hands4Hope Club. One of my strengths is being restorative, which helps me deal with problems that come up by quickly figuring out a solution and resolving them. Some of my hobbies include playing piano and singing, and I often read books or watch films in order to relax. Working with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference and seeing the passion and ingenuity of the other volunteers has definitely inspired me to continue helping the community. My hope for the Youth Board is that we will be able to effectively serve our community as we transition out of the pandemic, while also increasing Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference’s reach into Folsom and Placerville.

My name is McKenna Berry and I am a senior at Ponderosa High School. I have been in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference since I was in sixth grade and I am one of the Youth Board’s Public Relations Coordinators this year. One of my strengths is woo, which helps me provide successful peer leadership by allowing me to make connections and bonds between specific members of the group, and the group as a whole. My hobbies and interests include playing water polo, swimming and going to the lake to paddle board. I am inspired to help fulfill unmet needs within our community because I feel that I am able to give back some of the wonderful things that I have gotten that some people may not have experienced before. My goal for the Youth Board this year is to have each and every one of our members participate and share their ideas. In the past two years that I have been a part of the Youth Board, we have not been able to have a traditional fundraiser but we have persevered and worked to have fun and successful events. I would like to continue that creativity and dedication this year.

My name is Madisen Berry. I am a senior at Ponderosa High School. I have been involved with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference for six years, since I was in sixth grade. I am currently one of the two Public Relations Coordinators on the Youth Board Executive Committee. I share the role with my sister. One of my strengths is my input. My input helps me provide successful peer leadership by bringing ideas to the table and thinking of ways to include everyone in our events. Outside of Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference, I play in my school’s concert band and I play water polo for my school’s varsity team. I love to read and garden. I also love hiking and kayaking. Being involved in my community has always been a part of my life. I am lucky to have the things I have in life, and everyday I want to give back to my community because I know others are not as lucky as I am. I am so excited for the Youth Board this year! All of the years I have been on the Youth Board have not gone as planned. I am so excited to possibly see our ideas come together and make something new and innovative!