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Adult Spotlight: Gen Walk

Updated: Jan 1

Hands4Hope adult volunteer Gen Walk is the quiet force that ensures everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. When something needs to be moved, stuffed, sealed, or delivered, Gen is the magic that makes it happen. From transporting Winter Boutique racks from our storage facility to the temporary pop-up shop, to returning borrowed trucks, Gen is always ready to step up and get the job done, and has amassed more than 1,600 service hours with Hands4Hope as a result!

But that's not all she does. Gen also is the vision and drive behind our involvement with Sister Nora's Place in Sacramento, where she guides Hands4Hope youth to deliver and prepare a monthly dinner for the residents there. Because the residents have experienced trauma, homelessness, and other challenges, she mentors Hands4Hope youth to create a safe space for the residents as they enjoy the meal together.

Gen's reliability, dedication, and willingness to tackle the less-visible but essential tasks, in addition to making a beloved Community Engagement Event possible, make her an invaluable part of our team. Thank you, Gen, for being the backbone of so many successful efforts!

Read on to learn more about Gen, along with some notes from Hands4Hope staff!

How long, and in what capacity, have you been involved with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference? 

I have volunteered with Hands 4 Hope since 2011 and have participated in numerous events over the years, including Sister Nora’s Place, Fall Festival, Town Center Carriage Rides, haunted house, Kids Zone Area at the El Dorado Hills Town Center Fireworks & Freedom Concert, along with supporting the wonderful office staff where needed.

What drew you to give your time and talent to Hands4Hope? 

After retirement, it was important to me to find a home to volunteer.  Hands4Hope checked all the boxes for the perfect fit to give of my time. I have always volunteered in my community and providing support to the youth has always been important to me. It allows me to flex my skills based on my previous experience with volunteering in other areas, utilizing my training skills, and hopefully setting an example of being in service. Another example of the benefits of Hands4Hope is the diversity of the volunteers as well as the organizations it serves.

What is a memorable experience or interaction during your time with Hands4Hope?

Working with the youth, observing their leadership development, and interacting with the staff is always a highlight.

How do you feel that your volunteer work with Hands4Hope has made a difference, either to the organization, to youth, or even to yourself? 

I have been blessed to receive feedback from the youth and others that reflect my time is being well spent volunteering where I can.

What do you want other adults to know about getting involved with Hands4Hope? 

Hands4Hope is an organization that consistently demonstrates how fulfilling it is to give back and will make a positive impact on the adults who choose to give of their time.

What other activities do you enjoy? Do you have any passions you want to share?

Spending time with our daughter, son-in-law, and 2 grandsons is always a highlight.  I also enjoy traveling when possible.  

Gen is our original and beloved adult volunteer. She has stuck with us through all the changes and growth of Hands4Hope for 12+ years! Gen's passion to help others in need and to always do the right thing is truly inspiring. Even though her plate is always full helping family members and friends, she still finds time to volunteer with Hands4Hope. We appreciate you, Gen...more than we can ever express in words! - Yoko Kono, Hands4Hope Community Engagement Manager

Gen inspires me with how generous she is with her time and talents.  I can't overstate how big her heart is and the impact she has made on our youth, community and Hands4Hope staff! - Kathy Van Saun, Hands4Hope Development Director

Gen has been an invaluable volunteer for over 12 year now! She is truly part of the Hands4Hope family and I can't imagine Hands4Hope without her. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does for the organization and is its greatest advocate. She brightens our days with her beautiful grin and lessens our load with her incredible work ethic. Every nonprofit needs a "G-Gen" and we are so blessed to have her on our team! - Jennifer Bassett, Hands4Hope Founder & Executive Director


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