Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference Alumni often continue to stay connected with the organization no matter where their journey takes them, and through the Hands4Hope Alumni Association, they can maintain and expand their network and service opportunities well into the future. However, some Alumni were able to immerse themselves deeply by participating or leading Hands4Hope Committees and Community Outreach Opportunities over the Summer of 2023. We want to take a moment to put a spotlight on some of them and thank them for their continued contributions!

McKennna Berry
I was the Alumni camp counselor at this years high school leadership camp! I love volunteering with Hands4Hope and I was super excited to be able to help the upcoming leaders at camp! I continue to love Hands4Hope even after becoming an Adult Lead. The organization is immensely positive and provides an amazing avenue for youth to make a meaningful impact on their community!
Madisen Berry
This summer I was one of the Alumni camp counselors. I also volunteered at Kids Zone. I want to help other youth have a similar experience of growth and learning through Hands4Hope, so I came back as an adult! I am especially proud of being an Alumni camp counselor because i was able to get to know some of the youth better. I am proud to be an Alumni at Hands4Hope. I continually feel supported and I am glad I have the opportunity to show other people the possibilities that come out of volunteering and learning leadership skills.

Simone Caruthers
As the Kids Zone Project Manager this summer, I oversaw all operations for the Kids Zone fundraiser on July 3 and worked with youth leaders to ensure that all aspects of the event ran smoothly. I decided to come back as an Alumni because I loved working on the Kids Zone last year, so when the opportunity to continue working on this committee as an intern came up, I couldn't say no. I was really excited about the amount of youth on the committee who were new to Hands4Hope. It was great to meet new people who were excited about the work that we were doing on the committee.

Liv Craine
I mainly assisted with admin support. I went school supply shopping for the School Supply Drive and helped import written surveys into Google sheets. I was very involved with Hands4Hope in middle and high school and I love the organization, so any opportunity I have to be involved as an adult I jump on. I had so much fun sorting through super adorable backpacks for the school supply drive.

Jayce Kaldunski
I was a part of the Kids Zone Committee and started getting ready for the Empty Bowls Committee to start up. I had such an amazing time working with Hands4Hope through high school, that I didn’t want it to stop!

Nivi Sudhir Kumar
My role over the summer was being an Adult Lead for the School Supply Committee's Sorting Events! I loved my experience being involved with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference in high school, so that made me super excited to come back as an Alumni! During my high school experience, I was able to give back to my community through engaging in service projects that also helped me strengthen my professional and organizational skills while creating long-lasting friendships! I aspire to serve as a mentor for current participants and share my past leadership experiences through the organization. A positive and memorable moment during my summer experience as an Alumni was reuniting with my old friends and staff members who have witnessed my growth while being involved with the organization! It makes me feel grateful to know that I can come back as an Alumni and continue to be a part of such an amazing organization that helps youth leaders grow and cultivate unique experiences. It's awesome to see the organization continue to evolve and impact our community!
Additional Alumni who participated during the Summer of 2023 are listed below:
Adult Leads:
Ameshah Prabaharan
Kirsti Buckendorf
Meghna Sehrawat
Patrick Whelan
College Intern:
Ian Hunt
Additional Alumni:
Reina Cordero
Eadora Hormozi
Monica Popgeorgieva