To Purchase Tickets go to: https://www.hands4hopeyouth.org/endlesssummer
To View the Online Auction go to: https://bit.ly/EndlessSummerAuction
The Endless Summer Beach Party Sponsorship Packages
California Surfin’ Package $3,000 - Exclusive, 2 available
Name/Logo on prominently located Guest Welcome Billboard
VIP Parking for 3 Cars
Reserved lawn space for eight guests with two picnic blankets
Picnic pack for twelve - charcuterie tray to share, 2 bottles of wine, 12 meal tickets, dessert
Prominent logo on invitation distributed by email to 3,400 individuals
Prominent logo on event web page
Logo on the Facebook event page
Prominent logo on event program
Prominent logo on Thank You Billboard along event exit drive
Thank you in Hands4Hope newsletter and in event press release
Logo (with link) on supporter page of Hands4Hope website
Beach Party Package $1,500 - Unlimited
VIP Parking for 2 Cars
Reserved lawn space for eight guests with two picnic blankets
Logo on location Beach sign along drive/walkway to event
Picnic pack for eight - charcuterie tray to share, 2 bottles of wine, 8 meal tickets, dessert
Logo on invitation distributed by email to 3,400 individuals
Logo on event web page
Logo on the Facebook event page
Logo on Beach Party teaser social media post
Corporate name on event program to be given to all attendees
Thank you in Hands4Hope newsletter and in event press release
Corporate name (with link) on supporter page of Hands4Hope website
Beach Picnic Package $500 - Unlimited
VIP Parking for 1 Car
Reserved lawn space for four guests
Picnic pack for four (4) - charcuterie tray to share, 1 bottle of wine, 4 meal tickets, dessert
Thank you in Hands4Hope newsletter and in event press release
Corporate name on supporter page of Hands4Hope website
To Sponsor this event, email Esther@Hands4hopeyouth.org