Folsom High has decided to direct their efforts to a local chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind. They started the year with a team build and made fleece pull toys. They are currently planning a dine out night at Chipotle and a Neighborhood Dash to collect specific dog toys and supplies.
Vista del Lago High is working to support All About Equine. They hosted a Valentine Bear Gram Sale on campus and made $144 and are planning a car wash for the spring.
Sutter Middle has also decided to direct their efforts to a local chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind. They are planning to make fleece dog blankets and training toys, as well as host candy sales for several on-campus events.
Folsom Middle voted to support seniors and selected Brookdale Senior Living in Folsom. The youth will bring some much-needed companionship to the residents. They already had a site visit, and are planning various events like a bingo night and a technology assistance day. The Club will host a Neighborhood Dash to collect bingo prize items such as door decorations, toiletries, kitchen items, magazines, crafts and games. They will also conduct interviews with the veteran residents as part of Brookdale’s Veteran Wall.
Herbert Green has chosen to benefit Animal Outreach of the Mother Lode. They are planning Operation Outreach which will have several projects to reach their $800 goal. including a coin contest, art contest, on-campus, drive thru fundraiser during student pickup, and an online fundraising campaign.
Markham has chosen to benefit El Dorado County German Shepherd Rescue. The Club is planning Dollars4Dogs to reach their $500 goal, and are currently seeking approval to host a fundraiser on campus for students to have the ability to purchase classroom privileges. They also plan to launch an online fundraising component.
El Dorado has turned their focus this year to supporting the unhoused. The Club has a goal of collecting 100 items and is planning Vally’s Future, which includes a neighborhood dash, and a drive at local businesses to collect much needed items to support Green Valley Community Church’s outreach program.
Union Mine will be working to support The Center in human trafficking awareness. (PHOTO) In December, Union Mine Hands4Hope Club participants “adopted” a family through The Center and provided 45 new items worth $625 for a family in need. They also volunteered at The Center’s Annual Fundraiser. The Club is currently planning Stacks4Snacks with a goal of raising $1,000 to buy snacks for The Center’s snack pantry. Their projects include a coin competition, an on-campus drive thru funds collection, and an online fundraising component.
El Dorado Hills
Marina Village is working to benefit Keaton's Child Cancer Alliance. The Club is currently working on permission to host a family movie night (in April after Spring Break) with the dual goal of raising money through donations and concession sales and to invite and welcome families from the elementary schools that feed into Marina Middle School. The club is hoping that in addition to raising funds and awareness for Keaton's we will also be welcoming upcoming middle schoolers and promoting Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference.
Rolling Hills is planning on raising funds for WeEmbrace by doing a carwash at Valero Gas Station in EDH Town Center. We are currently waiting to hear back on a date when this can happen but are hoping for April 15th. The club participants will work in shifts washing cars and holding up posters to advertise that the car wash is happening!
Oak Ridge Empower will support The Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento this year. The Club is planning a drive with local businesses, and they have a goal of raising $1,000 worth of art supplies to be used in their art therapy program. They will also host a dine out night and purchase additional supplies with the proceeds.
Oak Ridge Inspire will be working with Sweet Dreams this year. The Club is currently Planning to help Sweet Dreams complete a dream room for a four year old girl. They will help put together and build furniture. They are also planning a picture book drive to fill her room with fun books.
Cameron Park/Shingle Springs
Ponderosa is working to benefit New Morning Youth & Family Services with their project Candy4Canvases. They will use the proceeds of their candygram project to purchase art supplies for the recreation room at Ashby House Shelter in Placerville
Camerado will support Images of Hope this year by hosting a week long coin drive on campus and dine out night at a local restaurant in Cameron Park.