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Join the MAPS Team to Help Kids with Autism

Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference is re-launching our partnership with MAPS (Montessori Autism Programs and Services) starting in September as a weekly outreach opportunity.

MAPS is a center that helps kids with autism and other developmental delays learn and develop social skills by interacting with peers. This Community Engagement Opportunity is recruiting volunteers aged 11 to 18 years old. Volunteers will be assigned to play groups according to their age. In these play groups, volunteers talk and play games with kids with autism. MAPS provides lots of fun activities to do at each session. The joy and service begins by volunteers simply showing up! All play group participants, including both those working on skills and those who are volunteering, learn so much from communicating and hanging out with kids different from themselves.

MAPS is located very close to the Hands4Hope El Dorado Hills Youth Center, at 1106 Windfield Way, El Dorado Hills.

Required Orientation

Before the first play group session, volunteers are required to attend a 45 minute orientation that walks them through their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Volunteers will also need to complete MAPS’s “Volunteer Packet”.

Orientation Dates/Times (at MAPS facility):

  • September 6, 3:45 - 4:30 pm, or

  • September 7, 3:45 - 4:30 pm

Play Group Session Information

Play group sessions will begin on Tuesday, September 12 and will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 5 to 6 PM. All volunteers arrive at 5 so that they can get ready and be on time to play group sessions, which start at 5:15. The program works best when volunteers are able to commit to a full month of sessions, so 8 sessions in a 4-week period; but we know that not all volunteers will be able to make that level of commitment and we appreciate what you can do.

Sign up currently available through September. October sessions will be added at a later date.


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