1. Tell us about your company/organization.
El Dorado Disposal provides Organics, Recycle and Trash service to the west slope of El Dorado County.
2. What is the reason(s) for sponsoring Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
El Dorado Disposal has supported since inception because we believe in the core operational mission: empower teens/kids to identify a need, think creatively about how to address that need, execute a plan/event/program themselves. A great formula for developing young leaders.
3. You've been essential to helping us renovate the new Hands4Hope Youth Center in Placerville. Please share what projects you've assisted with and your thoughts on this expansion and what it means for the youth and the community.
A safe, relaxed place where well meaning, creative planning will happen is really exciting. A home for the food panty is just a start to the difference making Placerville will see coming from 905-A Spring Street. Being part of the village that worked hard to provide this building is a real honor.

Jeff England, Site Manager with El Dorado Disposal pictured above.