Inspired by the support Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference provided to help the Caldor Fire victims over the last year, Lyon Real Estate's Placerville office recently awarded us with a $5000 grant (through the Lyon Cares Foundation of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation) which will allow Hands4Hope to continue our mission of inspiring and empowering youth in leadership and service.
We asked Monica Benedetti, Branch Manager at Lyon Real Estate Placerville, to share a few words with our community about the strong impression our youth left on the Lyon Real Estate representatives when they spoke about the impact Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference has had on their lives.
Read more about how meeting our youth with left them feeling hopeful about the future and sparked their desire to find more ways to support Hands4Hope in the future - including our upcoming Warm & Fuzzy Drive and Winter Boutique!

Tell us a little bit about your company/organization:
Lyon Real Estate is the leading independent real estate brokerage company in Greater Sacramento (Sacramento Business Journal). We are proud to be homegrown, privately owned, and internationally known. Lyon has served the area for over 75 years.
Lyon Real Estate has over 800 agents in 17 offices located throughout the region. Since 2015, the Lyon Cares Foundation has contributed more than $1,017,900 to local nonprofits.
How did you come to learn about Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
Hands4Hope has long been a wonderful organization in our community, but their volunteer efforts in the aftermath of the Caldor Fire shone brightly on the passionate focus and energy the youth members and adult leaders bring to supporting our neighbors in so many important ways.
What is the reason(s) for sponsoring Hands4Hope?
Hands4Hope epitomizes our vision to inspire and empower care and kindness in our community. Our agents and employees donate personally to our Lyon Cares Foundation to provide grants to the organizations in our community devoted to serving the place we all proudly call home.
What benefits do you feel Hands4Hope offers to our youth, adults, and community?
The benefits are too many to name! Hands4Hope is inspiring and empowering not only the gift of service in the hearts and minds of our youth; they are developing the skills our young people need to lead our communities forward to a connected and prosperous future.
What is your impression so far of our youth and organization?
We had the pleasure of presenting our grant to Maya and Aiden (current youth leaders). Their poise and excitement in sharing about this organization that they are so clearly proud to be involved with filled our hearts with hope for the future adults and leaders that Hands4Hope is helping to shape. Thank you to both the youth members and adult leaders who give their time, talent and treasure to make Hands4Hope an amazing platform for service to our community.
Thank you so much for the honor of being a Sponsor Spotlight! We are delighted to contribute to the great work you are doing every day!
Our next contribution will be to your Winter Boutique and Coat drive and we look forward to serving as donation stations anytime you need business locations.