Tell us about your company/organization and how it relates to Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference.
Running one of the leading real estate teams in western El Dorado County, we have the good fortune to work with and become friends with families throughout the area. Not only do we meet the buyers, but we usually get the opportunity to get to know their children as well. One of the important roles we play for families new to the area is as ambassadors for our community and to help them fall in love with the area the same way we did 20 years ago. That means introducing families to our local schools, parks, sports organizations, and other extracurricular opportunities. Their ears always perk up when we talk about Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference and its mission to enable youth to make a difference in their community. Most did not have a similar organization in their previous town and are excited to learn more about the opportunities that Hands4Hope offers.
How/when did you hear about Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
We have known Jennifer Bassett, her husband Michael, and their sons Andrew and Jacob almost as long as we've lived in the area. We've always admired the organization that Jennifer has built and led from the ground up and have been very impressed as it has continued to grow throughout El Dorado County and into Sacramento. We have been equally impressed with Hands4Hope's young leaders that we have met at various events throughout the years. Hands4Hope is clearly making a difference in many lives!
What is your reason(s) for sponsoring Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
It is our belief that charity begins at home. While there are countless worthy national and international organizations deserving of charitable contributions, we prefer that our giving be returned to the community that we call home and that we love so much. We see it as an investment in the future of the community so that the area will continue to thrive and so that those who come here after us admire, love and contribute to the area, as well. Hands4Hope's mission to provide youth with the opportunity to be involved in their local communities through charitable work from a young age embodies everything we hope for in our future generations.
Is there a specific memory of Hands4Hope that you'd like to share with our readers?
When they were in elementary school, our boys participated in a homeless outreach in Sacramento with Hands4Hope. We prepared sack lunches and handed them out to a gathering of homeless people on the street. I think this opened their eyes to both how fortunate they have it and to how important it is to give back to those in need.
To learn more about Yoffie Real Estate Group, visit eldoradohillsrealestateagent.com