Union Mine High School junior, Chloe Deiss, has been a Hands4Hope participant since the 7th grade and is now the President of her Service-Learning School Club and Treasurer of the Youth Board Executive Committee. She attributes her experience at Hands4Hope for helping her become a confident leader and communicator.
“If someone was considering joining Hands4Hope I would definitely recommend them to join. You will meet so many great people and build so many relationships. You will have so much fun and have so many new opportunities.”
We are always encouraged to hear our youth share about the wonderful relationships they’ve built with their peers and adult mentors while they are involved in opportunities that Hands4Hope offers which develop leadership skills and empower youth to positively impact their community.

What grade are you in, what school do you attend, and how long have you been involved with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference? What club or committees are you involved in? Please indicate if you’ve held any leadership positions.
I am a junior at Union Mine and this will be my fourth year of being in Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference. I am the President of the club at Union Mine and I am the Treasurer of the Youth Board Executive Committee. I recently volunteered during the “A Christmas Experience Concert & Fundraiser” for the Placerville Youth Center Expansion. This was also my first year being a part of the Winter Boutique Committee and I was a part of the Clothing Logistics team.
How did you hear about Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference? What motivated you to join?
I heard about Hands4Hope during an assembly at the end of my 7th-grade year. It sounded very interesting and like nothing I had done before. I joined with a few friends because we wanted to get more involved in our school and community.
Think about what you’ve done with Hands4Hope so far: How have these experiences shaped you into the person you are today compared to when you first joined? How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
When I first joined Hands4Hope I was shy and only joined because I had friends that were with me. But now I have met so many amazing people and they have made me feel comfortable enough to do things that I used to not want to do. For example, I used to dislike communicating with people, in person and virtually, but now I am completely comfortable communicating and talking with anyone. Learning to communicate well is a key thing in many parts of life. I have actually been complimented recently for my good communication skills.
What has been your favorite memory so far with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
My favorite memory with Hands4Hope was earlier this year when JJ’s Hello Foundation came and spoke to the Youth Board. They are such amazing people doing great things. Their story is extremely sad because their son, unfortunately, took his own life at a very young age but they are sharing his story to help other people who are in need.
What would you tell someone who is considering joining Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
If someone was considering joining Hands4Hope I would definitely recommend them to join. You will meet so many great people and build so many relationships. You will have so much fun and have so many new opportunities.
What activities do you enjoy outside Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
I enjoy cooking and baking for my family and trying new, fun recipes. My family has 13 chickens and I like to spend time with them and give them treats. I spend lots of time with my family, especially my two younger brothers who are 4 and 6.
Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?
I have learned so many new things and built so many relationships through Hands4Hope.