Folsom High School junior, Maya Moss, juggles a job, soccer practice, tech theater, and leadership roles at school and at Hands4Hope with a positive, can-do attitude! In the five years that she has been involved, she has made many friends and “always leaves with a smile” after participating with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference!
Read more about how volunteering with her mom helped prepare Maya for the service learning projects she is now involved with at Hands4Hope and how Hands4Hope helped her become more outgoing, feel comfortable in her own skin, discover her strengths and changed her life for the better!

Tell us a little bit about yourself - what grade are you in this year, where you go to school and how long have you been involved with Hands4Hope?
I am a junior at Folsom High School and I have been involved with Hands4Hope for about 5 years now. I joined the Sutter Middle School Club in 6th grade. In 7th grade, I was the Vice President and in 8th grade, I was the President. My freshman year was a Covid year so we did not have as many events but I still participated in the online meetings and activities for the Folsom High School Club. In my sophomore year, I was the Distribution Lead for the School Supply Drive Committee and the Decoration Lead for the Winter Boutique. This year, I was the Committee Chair for the School Supply Drive Committee and I am a part of the Fall Festival Games and Activities Committee.
How did you hear about Hands4Hope? What motivated you to join?
I heard about Hands4Hope through my school during our morning announcements. My mom and I used to volunteer in the community together so it definitely helped motivate me to join but the main thing that motivated me was when they talked about the opportunity to be a youth leader.
Reflect on the experiences you have with Hands4Hope that have shaped you into the person you are today compared to when you first joined.
Hands4Hope has made me a much more socially aware person. It has helped me in my leadership skills and to be more comfortable with public speaking.
Before I joined Hands4Hope I wasn’t as outgoing as I am now and I was uncomfortable with who I was. Hands4Hope has let me find who I am and strengthen all the skills that helped me build my confidence.
How has Hands4Hope helped you in school, with your friends and family, and in life?
It helped me make friends in school, and helped me with my public speaking skills, allowing me to do better with presentations in school. With my family, my mom has become involved as well and it’s been fun to do some projects with her!
What value do you think Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference adds to the community?
I think the value Hands4Hope - Youth Making a Difference adds to the community is “awareness of community needs.” Many of the youth participating in Hands4Hope now know how we can help the community individually as well as a group.
Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experiences with Hands4Hope?
Hands4Hope has changed my life for the better and the community that surrounds it is amazing. I have made a lot of friends through it and every time I participate I always leave with a smile on my face.