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Youth Spotlight: Sarah Jeon

Updated: 5 days ago

Sarah Jeon is a senior at Vista Del Lago High School in Folsom, and is in her fifth year of participation with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference. She first joined her Hands4Hope Club at Folsom Middle School in 8th grade, and continued her participation in the on-campus Hands4Hope Club at Vista Del Lago High School. In her sophomore and junior years, she served as Club Secretary, and now this year as a senior, as Club President. This year she is also serving on the Youth Board Executive Committee as the Folsom Community Engagement Ambassador.

Hands4Hope Staff Mentor, Lara Davis, said, "I absolutely love working with Sarah. Sarah is an extremely busy young woman in addition to being an officer within our Vista Del Lago Hands4Hope Club. She’s also an officer with the youth board in addition to working as soccer referee, officer for two other clubs, and middle school tutor. As busy as she is, she always makes the time for Hands4Hope responsibilities and in a timely manner, and always meets her deadlines."

Yoko Kono, who mentors Sarah through the Community Engagement Program, said, "Sarah is a very busy senior at Vista Del Lago High School with a rigorous school schedule, competitive sports commitments, and in the midst of college applications.  Despite her busy life, she also spends many hours a week with Hands4Hope. Recently, Sarah was a part of a group of community members planning the Folsom Service Day Food Donation Receiving area. As a youth leader for the event, she organized more than 100 volunteers to smoothly receive food donations for Twin Lakes Food Bank. She is currently working with Folsom elementary schools and businesses to collect new warm clothing and jackets/coats for the Warm and Fuzzy Drive. She is a diligent worker with a kind heart and a passion to help those in our community."

Describe your involvement with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference so far.

I first heard about Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference at the Folsom Middle

School club rush day. I was motivated to join because I wanted to serve my local community and gain service hours. I also really liked that the Hands4Hope Club would plan a year-long project that would help one organization, focusing and committing to one area of need throughout the entirety of the year.

How have your experiences with Hands4Hope shaped you into the person you are today compared to when you first joined?

Through Hands4Hope, I gained public speaking skills. Specifically, when I became

a leader I learned how to use my voice not only to share my opinion but also to lead Club participants in the right direction. I also gained the ability to work efficiently with others. I learned to delegate tasks to members inside my committee and not rely entirely on myself to do all the work.

What has been your favorite memory so far with Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?

My favorite memory so far with Hands4Hope is the High School Leadership Camp. I thought it was cool seeing officers of other schools and talking about our shared experiences. I also bonded a lot with the other leaders from my school.

What would you tell someone who is considering joining Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?

I would absolutely tell them to join Hands4Hope. You will meet so many new people that you simply won’t meet in any other extracurricular activities. Hands4Hope also offers both on-campus school Clubs and Community Engagement Opportunities, exposing you to many different types of community service.

What activities do you enjoy outside Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference?

Outside of Hands4Hope, I like to hike, go on runs, and go paddle boarding. I also love playing soccer and I have been playing for twelve years. I enjoy being outdoors and staying active. I also enjoy thrifting and going to the farmer’s market. I like to shop sustainably and support local businesses when I can.


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